August 2024 Kernel Newsletter

The past few months at Kernel have been energizing. From the early successes in our clinical studies to the submission of our latest work for peer-review, we have a lot to update on.

As a company, we’re looking forward to engaging with the scientific community, biotech & pharma partners, clinicians, regulators, and payers as we advance our brain-based biomarker work. I’m proud to share all of the great work the team at Kernel has achieved and even more excited about what’s to come!




Clinical Research

A Moonshot!

New Research Product Launch

Scientific Successes

Up Next

Exciting News! Kernel is contributing to two awesome proposals for SXSW 2025 PanelPicker®. PanelPicker voting is open from 8/6 to 8/18, so head over to SXSW and give us your vote! 🚀

Clinical Research


In June, we completed enrollment for our first clinical study. This observational clinical study, IMPACT, was designed to demonstrate the feasibility of using Kernel Flow to screen patients for mild cognitive impairment (MCI). We worked with outstanding clinical sites and recorded data from over 100 participants with a 50/50 split between MCI patients and healthy controls that were age, sex, and education matched.

Through the use of our category-defining neuroimaging platform, Kernel Flow, we were able to demonstrate accurate classification of patients with MCI from those who are healthy. Our pilot results showed that Kernel Flow could perform better in identifying MCI patients than peer-reviewed EEG studies and was on-par with fMRI-based results. We are in the process of preparing a manuscript for submission to a top journal and are presenting at several conferences this summer and fall, including the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC).

As a continuation of this work, we are in the process of designing our IMPACT2 protocol and are working toward a couple of other exciting things. Watch this space!


We are continuing to enroll for our depression observational clinical trial. The goal is to PREDICT treatment response for patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). We are enrolling patients who are beginning treatment courses with SPRAVATO (nasal esketamine) or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Our goal is to someday be able to use measures of baseline brain activity, recorded with Kernel Flow, to help select the right treatment for patients.


We are always interested to hear from clinicians. If you run a practice that supports research trials in our focus domains (dementia & depression) or if you have particular thoughts on the needs and future of your field, we’d love to hear from you!

A Moonshot!

Building on the successes we’ve seen with our MCI work, Kernel was selected in the inaugural cohort of the StartUp Health Alzheimer’s Moonshot, a collaborative innovation community supported by Gates Ventures and the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF). We’ll be joining dozens of other founders and researchers who are all working together to develop better ways to prevent, manage and cure Alzheimer’s and related dementias. We’re excited about this program and are looking forward to doing our part to improve the outlook for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

New Research Product Launch

We’ve talked with many researchers who are working to better understand the brain using functional neuroimaging and one thing that has come up repeatedly is a desire for a more flexible headset system. We have responded and released our Flow2 DevKit system. This is a modular system that allows you to build any montage of up to 12 Flow2 modules and 6 EEG electrodes. If you’re interested to learn more, check out our brand new products webpage and read over the spec sheet.

Scientific Successes

At Kernel, we value scientific rigor and collaborative engagement with the community. We believe that systematic, peer-reviewed work is the best way to show the true potential of non-invasive neurotech. We have recently submitted two publications characterizing the performance and reliability of Flow2 for review in top journals. In the first half of the year, we also presented research and business updates at:

  • Annual World Congress of SBMT
  • Optica Biophotonics Congress
  • AI for Good Global Summit
  • The International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue Conference
  • HLTH Europe

Looking ahead, we’ve been accepted to present at more conferences later this year:

  • Neuroergonomics Conference
  • Alzheimer’s Association International Conference
  • Neuroscience of the Everyday World Conference
  • Meeting of the Society for functional near-infrared spectroscopy
  • AAIC Advancements: Modernizing Diagnosis
  • ECNP Congress
  • HLTH

To get more frequent updates and keep up with where else we’ll be, connect with us on LinkedIn!

Up Next

There is a lot of great work to come - we are only at the beginning of the future of brain measurement.

© 2024 Kernel

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